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SoilWatch 10 / Re: SoilWatch Life expectancy
« Last post by pinolec on February 18, 2020, 02:35:11 PM »
Hi Jaques,

Thank you for contacting us.
The life expectancy for our sensors is around 5 years.
Could you please let us know how have you had your sensors connected (to what equipment and what was the supply voltage).
Could you please check the sensor with power supply set at 3.3-5V and multimeter to see what the output (measured in Volts) is in air and submerged in water. If you can measure the current of the sensor that may also help identify the cause of the malfunction.

Kind regards,
SoilWatch 10 / SoilWatch Life expectancy
« Last post by [email protected] on February 18, 2020, 09:41:30 AM »
Hi Guys,

We bought about 8 of your soil moisture sensors for testing , I must first off say that they are far more stable than the other capacitive ones we tested.
The product also looks more rugged.
My question though is what is the supposed life expectancy?
From the 8 we bought we had four in the field(2 different geographical locations 2 per location)
1 Set about 30cm deep and the other set about 50cm deep and both location had about n 50/50 mix clay and sand content under irrigation.
The problem is that all 4 sensors lasted about 3 months give or take a few days apart between them.They where stable up to the end then just started returning a below air(dry) value even when soaked in water.There appears to be no damage to the conductive surface or any other part that I can see.

Is 3 month about the expect life?

Kind Regards
SoilWatch 10 / Re: sometimes 6 percent difference in pure water
« Last post by elbarto on October 30, 2019, 06:29:11 PM »
Still the same problem with capacitor between analog input and sensor cable. Trying esp8266 board now.
With the esp8266 the values are stable now. But i see that the A0 pin has only 3.3V and the sensor 1.1v...i hope that this does not damage the sensor.
SoilWatch 10 / Re: sometimes 6 percent difference in pure water
« Last post by pinolec on October 28, 2019, 02:24:36 PM »

I have just answered your email but for future generations  ;)
Espressif explains how to deal with the noisy ADC here:

Here is the quote from Espressif:
The ESP32 ADC can be sensitive to noise leading to large discrepancies in ADC readings. To minimize noise, users may connect a 0.1uF capacitor to the ADC input pad in use. Multisampling may also be used to further mitigate the effects of noise.

SoilWatch 10 / Re: new product using soil watch sensors 10
« Last post by pinolec on October 28, 2019, 02:14:01 PM »
Well done! :)

The dataloggers look very nice.
Looking forward to hearing about the test results.

SoilWatch 10 / sometimes 6 percent difference in pure water
« Last post by elbarto on October 24, 2019, 12:42:44 PM »
is it normal, that i have sometimes a difference of 6 percent in pure water?
Using esp32 with 1.1v sensor. (Meassured also 1.1v pin of the esp)
Burried inside earth the difference is up to 10 percent and more. :(
I attached a list of my values.

SoilWatch 10 / new product using soil watch sensors 10
« Last post by Perotto on October 14, 2019, 04:00:50 AM »
I recently bought a shipment of pinotec soilwatch 10 sensors.
I would like to thank the attendance due to the formal importation made to Brazil.
I would like to introduce my new datalogger that is under test, soon I must present customer results.

new acquisitions soon
PIMM / Re: Plastic injection molding machine CAD files
« Last post by pinolec on September 07, 2019, 09:20:24 PM »

Pneumatic cylinders are ISO 6431/ ISO 15552:
1. Injection cylinder - 125x300mm (bore x stroke)
2. Clamping cylinder - 100x200mm

PIMM / Re: Plastic injection molding machine CAD files
« Last post by thiago_mariani on September 03, 2019, 02:59:37 PM »

Do you have specification of the two pneumatic cylinders used?
PIMM / Re: Picture PIMM
« Last post by Xirtam on August 28, 2019, 08:29:20 AM »
Thank you, the information was very helpful.

A few days ago at the factory, I drove 3 km away with my ship.
I have found a source in China now. 600Watt 80x80

Best regards, Nils

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