« Last post by Barto64 on May 11, 2020, 11:56:09 AM »
I already had that formula in my initial set-up and I changed that for the cuadratic polynomic with the formula on this thread. Although I understand I have to build my own regression following the calibration procedure using my garden soil. I will do once I get my new order of sensors at home for now I am drying a box of soil before putting that in the oven.
My point was about a translation from %VWC to humidity percentage in a 0-100 scale, if there is any standard covering that saying for example that for a particular soil a 50% VWC equates to the maximum humidity and therefore it could be considered 100%.
In absensce of that translation from %VWC to %percentage (0-100 scale), I will see how my soil calibration goes and I will infer that, or at least an aproximation. The key point of the translation I guesss is to learn the max VWC that a particular soil can have, that would be my 100% on a 0-100 scale. But I guess, also, that if I get a voltage of 3v when doing my own calibrationm the related VWC will mean that 100%
Not quite sure if I am able to explain well my self.