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SoilWatch 10 / Tasmota-Sonoff usage
« Last post by marcin_z on May 23, 2020, 07:03:02 AM »
Hi Guys,
Wanted to know if there are any constrains to use this sensor with Sonoff-Tasmota software running on  i.e. Sonoff S20?
Have few running devices and want to add this sensor to my home automation.
Any thoughts?
SoilWatch 10 / Re: difference with soil moisture sensor v1.2
« Last post by pinolec on May 13, 2020, 07:41:07 AM »

This is a very good question  :)
Our sensor uses high frequency to measure the soil moisture. High-frequency help to reduce the salinity influence on moisture readings. I'm not sure what frequency this sensor uses but as far as I know it is well under 1MHz. The plates of the probe in our sensor are sandwiched between glass-reinforced epoxy laminate material. This protects them well from the environment. While these cheap sensor plates are covered with just paint. It is easy to scratch the paint while inserting the sensor into the soil. And the last difference I can think about now is the obvious weather-proofing.

Kind regards,
Piotr Trembecki
SoilWatch 10 / Re: Sensitivity of sensor
« Last post by pinolec on May 13, 2020, 07:28:04 AM »
Hi Md Afroz Hussain,

All capacitive sensors are most sensitive at the surface of the probe. It measures well around 1-2mm away of the probe.
We didn't measure the volume of the sensor.

Kind regards,
Piotr Trembecki
SoilWatch 10 / Re: Soil Specific Calibration
« Last post by Barto64 on May 12, 2020, 10:26:25 AM »

You do not need to calculate the R^2. This is a measure of the quality of the regression. The excel will provide you this value once you enter the data. The closer to 100% means that the equation calculated reflects better the points you have given to calculate. It is a pure math concept when you make regression analysis.

SoilWatch 10 / Re: Soil Specific Calibration
« Last post by Afroz on May 12, 2020, 09:31:42 AM »
Hi Piotr

How to calculate coefficient of determination(R^2).

Md Afroz Hussain.
SoilWatch 10 / Re: Sensitivity of sensor
« Last post by Afroz on May 12, 2020, 08:14:58 AM »
Hi Piotr Trembecki,

My question is if I insert a sensor in 1 point how many inches or cm it will sense water from the point of sensor installed.

Md Afroz hussain.
SoilWatch 10 / difference with soil moisture sensor v1.2
« Last post by javierb on May 11, 2020, 09:36:51 PM »
Hello everyone!
With no intention of offending anyone. I am newbie and i want to learn.
Could you tell me what are the main differences between SoilWatch 10 and the cheap Soil Moisture Sensor V1.2 apart from the good insulation of the soilwatch 10?
SoilWatch 10 / Re: Sensitivity of sensor
« Last post by Barto64 on May 11, 2020, 12:03:40 PM »

The sensor measurement range with general calibration in the soil is 0-50% VWC.

Kind regards,
Piotr Trembecki
It looks like 50% VWC would be a 100% humidity on a 0-100 percentage scale ....
SoilWatch 10 / Re: Soil Specific Calibration
« Last post by Barto64 on May 11, 2020, 11:56:09 AM »
I already had that formula in my initial set-up and I changed that for the cuadratic polynomic with the formula on this thread. Although I understand I have to build my own regression following the calibration procedure using my garden soil. I will do once I get my new order of sensors at home for now I am drying a box of soil before putting that in the oven.

My point was about a translation from %VWC to humidity percentage in a 0-100 scale, if there is any standard covering that saying for example that for a particular soil a 50% VWC equates to the maximum humidity and therefore it could be considered 100%.

In absensce of that translation from %VWC to %percentage (0-100 scale), I will see how my soil calibration goes and I will infer that, or at least an aproximation. The key point of the translation I guesss is to learn the max VWC that a particular soil can have, that would be my 100% on a 0-100 scale. But I guess, also, that if I get a voltage of 3v when doing my own calibrationm the related VWC will mean that 100%

Not quite sure if I am able to explain well my self.
SoilWatch 10 / Re: Sensitivity of sensor
« Last post by pinolec on May 11, 2020, 10:21:22 AM »

The sensor measurement range with general calibration in the soil is 0-50% VWC.

Kind regards,
Piotr Trembecki
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